1. Preheat Oven To 500 Degrees (approx. 20 Minutes)
  2. Lightly Coat Meat With Oil
  3. Place Meat on Broiler Rack in Preheated Oven for 15 Minutes
  4. Without Opening Oven Door, Reduce Heat to 200 Degrees
  5. Slow Roast for Approx. 15-20 Minutes Per Pound
  6. Use Meat Thermometer to Bring to Desired Temp (chart below)
  7. Let Roast Sand for 15 Minutes Before Carving
  8. Enjoy!!!

*note that size of roast will greatly impact cooking time of roast*

<< oven temps vary greatly, Monitor Closely for Last Hour >>

Rare Temp……130
Medium Temp….145
Well Temp……160